From the Boardroom with Simon Cook - March 2020

Ed – First of all. Once again I must ask. How is everyone connected to club. Are they all safe and well as far as you know?

SC : Everyone connected with the club seems to be keeping well which is very good news.


Ed – This week the Isthmian League and all the other leagues below step 3 in Non League football decided to Null and Void the 2019/20 season. There has been a lot of criticism towards the FA for this decision  but it’s my personal understanding, and I could be wrong here,  that this was a decision by the member clubs themselves?

SC : The Isthmian, Northern Premier and Southern Leagues together with the leagues at steps 5 and 6, below us, all agreed that the season should be declared null and void. There are representatives of clubs on all of the leagues’ boards after a huge amount of discussion this decision was reached. There is obviously no perfect solution to the situation we find ourselves in but by and large the decision to declare the season null and void was in my view the best way forward.  I don’t believe anyone feels that the season at our level is realistically likely to start again.  To recap, the decision was taken by the leagues following consultation with many of their members, the FA and the National League.

Ed – In regards to this decision. I take it that had this decision not been made then many clubs would have possibly  had a fight on their hands to still be existence as and when football starts again?

SC: I am not sure if bringing the season to an early end makes a huge difference to clubs’ abilities to survive, but it does make it easier for clubs to plan  for the future. We mustn’t forget that clubs at our level and below depend on a small number of volunteers to keep them running. However I imagine that many clubs will be struggling financially, with no income at all and still a lot of expenditure to meet. I just hope that when the crisis eases we are all able to return quickly to being able to raise money through bars, events, sponsorship etc. This will not be easy though.

Ed – Can you explain how null and voiding a season deals with player contracts and other off the field issues?

SC : Players contracts and registrations expire in late April/early May. We have already passed the cut-off date for new signings. Although the FA could perhaps consider changing these rules I think we would have faced the situation where clubs would have to continue paying players for several months potentially until they could start playing again which would be financial suicide for many.  Then there would be the impact on next season, with possibly little or no break from this season.

Ed –  As a football club we have decided not to null and void the player stats for a season that officially now never actually happened. Can you explain the reasoning behind this?


SC: Each club will no doubt decide what they want to do with players stats for this season, but we feel we should still treat them as having taken place. They were competitive fixtures, but it is purely a historical matter for individual clubs to decide on.


Ed – How do the club plan to survive between now and when football starts again and I accept this could be a long way off. You said the club officials we having a meeting on the way forward. What was the outcome of that?

SC: How are we surviving?   We have reviewed all of our expenditure and reduced it wherever possible to minimise losses. We have paid our players and staff in full until this week, but would not be able to continue doing so any longer, so anticipate now being able to take advantage of the government’s Job Retention Scheme.  We had a very productive meeting yesterday and you will see an announcement in the next day or so. This will cover both some exciting news on ground development plans as well as how supporters can help if they wish.  This last point is in response to a considerable number of fans who have asked if they can help financially, which is a wonderful gesture in these difficult times.

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